Debunking the Myths of Online Learning: #1

I will be posting 1 myth per day over the next 10 days! I look forward to reading your comments!

A broken computer is an acceptable excuse for a late assignment

Just as the excuse “the dog ate my homework” doesn’t work in a face-to-face class, the excuse “my computer broke” doesn’t work in online classes.  If you take an online class, you need to have a reliable computer.  You also need to recognize that problems arise.  Your internet might go down or your computer might die.  You need to have a back-up plan in case you do experience problems.  If your internet goes down, many locations such as Starbucks and Panera provide free wireless service.  If your computer breaks, consider using a computer at a public library, a school computer lab, or borrowing a computer from a friend or family member.  Make a back-up plan now so you don’t have to scramble if something does go wrong.